Yeah, Great, Let’s Talk About Race in America. That’s Way More Important Than Fixing the Economy

Oh, yippee. Dear Reader President Momjeans is calling for yet another “dialog on race” in America.

Some commentators have called for a national conversation on race, and Obama agreed that “we should all look inward,” and have “mature” talks about “the divides that still exist.”

He said this in the context of the Martyrdom of St. Shirley of the USDA, of whom he said, “She deserves better than what happened last week,” conveniently forgetting that when she was being crucified, he was the one handing out the nails.

My comments:

  • Every time Obama, or Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson says “dialog about race,” what they mean is “a lecture on grievances.” In fact, you can substitute the word “grievance” for the word “race” in practically any utterance from any civil rights figure.
  • The reason these self-righteous prigs are always saying we need a “dialog about race grievances,” isn’t because they want to listen to other people, it’s because they want to set themselves up in Race Commissions —  ideally with a hefty taxpayer subsidy — where they can lecture everybody else about what bigots they are. (Like the phony job Obama offered St. Shirley if she ever decides to get down off the cross.)
  • The way to get passed race in America isn’t for a bunch of busy-bodies to lecture us about grievances. It will happen when I mind my own business and look after my family, and you mind your own business and look after your family, and everybody minds their own business and looks after their family, and the Government stops funding stupid commissions and studies whose continued funding depends on the perpetuation of racial grievances.

Groovy, baby. Let's rap about your grievances.

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The Death Toll of Amnesty

Pinal County in Arizona has more dead illegal immigrants than its morgues can handle. Coyotes (the human kind) collect payment from illegals, then leave them in the desert to die.

The Obama Regime and Federal Judge Susan Bolton are A-OK with this. If we had a policy of securing our borders and prosecuting human smugglers, lives would be saved.

BWT, in case you haven’t heard, drug dealers in Phoenix celebrated Bolton’s ruling by gunning down three cops last night, one fatally.

Another beneficiary of Obama's policy of immigration non-enforcement.

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Separated at Birth

Libyan Dictator and Cutting Edge Fashionista Mo Khadafy…

And indestructible human cockroach Keith Richards…

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Dramacrat 2010 Election Strategy: Hype Up the Scare Tactics

From the Dramacrats Lay Out Their Version of the GOP Agenda for their Media to lap up. (Read it here now, hear it from every MSDNC host for the next three months.)
1. Repeal ObamaCare (Democrats claim insurance companies make money by killing people.)
2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether. (Like I said, scare the greedy geezers)
4. Extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil. (Because Democrats think massive tax increases in the depths of economic recession are great policy.)
5. Repeal Wall Street Reform (Even the part that exempts the SEC from the Freedom of Information Act)
6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes. (But later they claim the Republicans want to abolish the Department of Energy and the EPA. Both statements can’t be true.)
7. Abolish the Department of Education (Because Federalizing education has worked so well so far.)
8. Abolish the Department of Energy (Because you can never have too many useless bureaucracies.)
9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency. (Because what we really need is an agency that declares a gas that all human exhale and that plants need to survive a toxic pollutant, and use it as an excuse to destroy the economy.)
10. Repeal the 17th Amendment (Ironic coming from a party with no fewer than five current senators who were appointed without elections {Burris, Gillibrand, Bennet, Goodwin, Kaufman).

Actually, most of those items are not necessarily bad ideas, but it is dishonest in the extreme to suggest that they are the Republican Platform. But since when are Dramacrats bound by the truth?

I also notice there is nothing on the list relating to illegal immigration and border security; the Dramacrats obviously couldn’t think of a way to spin the Republican position (whatever it is) in a way that made it seem worse than theirs.


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Left-Wing Judge Declares It Illegal to Enforce Immigration Laws

The only takeaway from Clinton-appointed judge Susan Bolton’s ruling on Arizona’s immigration statute: If the Federal Government  Bureaucracy refuses to enforce a law, there is nothing the states can do about it.


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Lie of the Week: Bush Tax Cuts Were Only for the Top 2%

The Progressive Left is promoting the lie that Bush only cut taxes for the top 2% of income earners. Tim Geithner was pushing this line on the weekend chat shows. MSDNC Talking Head and Progressive Thought Leader Ed Schultz pushed the lie even more explicitly.

You see, I think a lot of Americans think that, well gosh no, we don’t want the tax cuts to expire. Ninety-eight percent of you, it doesn’t even affect you.

It’s a convenient thing for the left to be untethered to the truth, but the fact is, if the tax cuts expire, everyone’s tax rates will increase. Even at the lowest levels, the 10% rate will increase to 15%. (Not that anyone at that level is likely to pay it.) Also, the child tax credit will be cut in half, the marriage penalty will return, capital gains taxes will jump from 15% ro 20%. If 98% of the population won’t see a tax increase, then why haven’t the Democrats just abolished the tax cuts already?

Not to mention what a super-swell idea it is to unleash massive tax increases in the depths of a recession.

Ed Schultz seems to be pushing for the title of Most Dishonest Journalist at MSDNC, by helping Howard Dean push the lie that FoxNews pushed the Shirley Sherrod video before she was fired,  even after that lie was completely discredited by Chris Wallace, and, of course, calling FoxNews a bunch of racists.

Oops, that's not Ed Schultz, that's Mika Brezinsky.

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How’s That Arizona Boycott Working Out?

Answer, not so well.

Recent data compiled by a market research group show hotel bookings across the state — as well as in tourism hot spots Phoenix and Scottsdale — have been on the rise the past two months.

The numbers could dispel warnings from local officials that Arizona stands to lose a fortune and dampen the chances that cities and organizations will be able to compel the state to reverse its immigration law by choking its economy with a sanctions-style business boycott.

The ruling elite love illegal aliens because it allows them to hire cheap nannies, gardeners, and maids and still feel self-righteous about. But mainstream Americans, not lovin’ the invasion so much.

Also, illegals are self-deporting in advance of the law. The real reason the progressive left is terrified of the Arizona law is that if it works, then their whole spiel about how enforcing immigration law “just won’t work” blows up.

Go ahead, move to New York and San Francisco. The progs will welcome you.


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The Banking Queen Throws a Hissy Over $1

Congressman Mincing Pederast Barney Frank throws around taxpayers’ money as though debt cures cancer, but he’s a fussy little bitch when it comes to parting with his own.

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank caused a scene when he demanded a $1 senior discount on his ferry fare to Fire Island’s popular gay haunt, The Pines, last Friday. Frank was turned down by ticket clerks at the dock in Sayville because he didn’t have the required Suffolk County Senior Citizens ID. A witness reports, “Frank made such a drama over the senior rate that I contemplated offering him the dollar to cool down the situation.”

And the moral of this story is that Barney Frank is a worthless piece of crap. But, that’s pretty much the moral of any story involving Barney Frank.

Barney Frank keeps tabs on his constituents.


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Flaming Nutjob Claims Vindication

AIDS-Addled Crackpot Andrew Sullivan claims vindication for flogging the insane conspiracy theory that Sarah Palin is not actually Trig Palin mother, because as it turns out, the left-wing cabal known as Jornolist was flogging the same conspiracy theory. (Safe Link to Sistuh Toldjah)

Remember all those liberals and lefties huffily denouncing this blog’s attempts to make sense of Sarah Palin’s bizarre stories about the pregnancy and birth of her alleged fifth child? I was nuts, crazy, vile, disgusting, etc … Well, we now know, that, for some at least, I wasn’t crazy. [No, Andy, we only know you weren’t alone in your dementia] I was just not disciplined enough to curtail what this blog airs in order to conform with what many Journo-listers believed were the interests of the Obama campaign. …  I was pilloried for saying out loud what the entire chattering class was saying in private.

Note: Trig Palin was born April 18 2008. Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp Palin on December 27 2008. How the Hell did she get pregnant with Tripp before she gives birth to Trig?

Or am I just using that silly hatred-for-Sarah-Palin-does-not-bend-the-laws-of-nature logic again?

Mr. Sullivan is quite mad, you know.

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Demonrat Scare Tactics

The Democrat strategy going into the fall is pretty straightforward: Scare the hell out of their base (their dim-witted, skittery, not particularly well-informed base). Scare the Hispanics by mischaracterizing Arizona’s immigration enforcement law. Scare the blacks by proclaiming the Tea Parties are racists and conservatives want to bring back slavery as New Left Martyr Shirley Sherrod claims. And, most importantly, scare the elderly by claiming Republicans want to take away their social security.

Harry Reid is using this line of attack against Sharron Angle. The Kentucky Democrats are using it against Rand Paul. Chris Matthews — following the talking points memo to a T — tried to trick Paul Ryan into emitting a sound-bite to the effect that Republicans would cut social security. This line of attack tends to work because senior citizens are notoriously greedy and stupid and they believe what the MFM tells them.

These attacks would be easy to refute if Republicans weren’t also so stupid. All they have to say is tell seniors   that no one is going to touch their benefits, only those of future generations. Since seniors hate young people anyway, this would make an effective selling point.

The Republicans — if they were really smart — would paint the Democrats as delusional for acting as if the Social Security system can go on forever in its current state without massive reform.

But the main frustration in dealing with Republicans is how consistently frakking stupid they are.

He's greedy and stupid, and he votes.


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