Shut Up, They Explained

Nancy “Rictus Botox” Pelosi and Steny Hoyer take to the pages of USA Today to tell everybody who questions their health care schemes to just sit quietly with our hands folded in our laps, and not interrupt the nice politicians who are going to take control of our health care for our own good.

The left is appalled that we who oppose their schemes dare to so much as raise our voices, but their acts and threats of violence are to be shrugged off. When they beat up and ridicule a black protester, when they smash an old woman’s face into a wall, when they threaten the father of a handicapped son… they have no remorse at all. “Your raised voices made us act this way!” they proclaim.

The left wing has always been a haven for the violent, the angry, and the stupid.

The left wing has always been a haven for the violent, the angry, and the stupid.

P.S. If the end of life counseling is controversial, why not just take out of the bill? Why are the Obamunists determined to keep it in if it’s not a big deal, as they claim?


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2 responses to “Shut Up, They Explained

  1. The Doktor

    ”Your raised voices made us act this way!” they proclaim.

    Sort of like the excuse used by wife-beaters.

  2. Cylar

    I’m sure beating people up to the point where they require medical attention, is a great way to convince them of the need for government-administered health insurance.

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