Iraq “Veteran” Against the War Is Actually an Escaped Mental Patient

From This Ain’t Hell

The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs is in jail in Denver today, unmasked as a former mental patient who posed as a wounded Marine officer and 9/11 survivor.  The man who called himself Rick Duncan - purportedly a former Marine captain and 1997 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy - is in fact 31-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who never served in the military and falsely claimed that he was in the Pentagon during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to David Walsh of the Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA), which Duncan founded.

The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs is in jail in Denver today, unmasked as a former mental patient who posed as a wounded Marine officer and 9/11 survivor. The man who called himself Rick Duncan - purportedly a former Marine captain and 1997 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy - is in fact 31-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who never served in the military and falsely claimed that he was in the Pentagon during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to David Walsh of the Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA), which Duncan founded.

Expect the same people who made a big fat hairy deal about Joe the Plumber not having a specific type of plumbing license… to not think this is any sort of big fat hairy deal.

Imagine if any of the Tea Party leadership had been outed as a mental patient? I think we’d be hearing a lot about it. But the media will be silent on this.

Also, what does it tell you about the lefty/Code Pink side of the aisle that no one ever suspected or questioned that this guy was nucking futs — that he became a leader in their organization? They were willingly taken in by Jesse McBeth, too.

Another phony veteran is outed.

Another phony freak is outed.

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