Malice or Stupidity?

In less than 60 days, Chairman Zero has:

Some say that this is just the bumbling incompetence of a community organizer who is in way, way, way over his head. Others say that Bill Ayer’s and Jeremiah Wright’s prize pupil is deliberately out to make America a poorer and weaker country; either because he truly believes it would be fairer if America were no better, no different, no richer, no stronger than any of the Earth’s other countries, or because he thinks we need to be punished for past sins of a racist nature.

The question for his cult is, is this because Chairman Zero is incompetent, or is this his intended result?

We shouldn't be mad at America, we should be mad at that fruity little club (the Democrat Party) for scrambling our brains.

We shouldn't be mad at America, we should be mad at that fruity little club (the Democrat Party) for scrambling our brains.


Filed under Potpourri

2 responses to “Malice or Stupidity?

  1. Solaratov

    I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone who can walk down a street unassisted could screw up as badly as the obamassiah[nmp] has. Simple imcompetence can hardly explain what he has “accomplished” in his first fifty days.
    Therefore, I am left with the only available alternative: everything that he has done has been calculated to weaken America; and turn us into a second-rate power and third-world socialist pigsty.

  2. Alana

    It’s both. With an emphasis on the former.

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