Irony and Lessons Learned

The same day his party got shellacked in Virginia and New Jersey, and the two candidates he campaigned heavily for lost big-time, the Obama White House was hosting contestants from an NBC program called The Biggest Loser. Oh, the Ironing!

The White House is trying to spin the NY-23 race as having national significance, but the NJ and VA races as being “just local.” Which is what you would expect.

Given that two of my three predictions were wrong, it’s safe to say I suck at analysis. Which is actually good news because I don’t see the Republicans taking the House next year, and I can see Chairman Zero handily winning re-election. I’d only say all three races – NJ, VA, and NY-23 – have lessons in them for Republicans. 1. Connect conservative positions to practical policies that solve problems. 2. Choose candidates that appeal to the base.

And maybe there’s a lesson for Democrats, too. Campaigns based on scorched Earth and personal attacks don’t always work, even when you have the Washington Post to carry the water for you (Creigh Deeds) or spend tens of millions of dollars on ads that attack your opponent for being fat (Jon Corzine). I note that a scorched Earth campaign based on spending millions on attack ads is precisely what Harry Reid is promising next year.


Do you see the irony? Do you see it?


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3 responses to “Irony and Lessons Learned

  1. Cylar

    iven that two of my three predictions were wrong, it’s safe to say I suck at analysis. Which is actually good news because I don’t see the Republicans taking the House next year, and I can see Chairman Zero handily winning re-election.

    You had better be wrong, then. Another eight years of Chairman Zero’s enlightened leadership, plus our party failing to recapture control of Congress?

    By 2016, there won’t be anything left of the country to retake.

  2. The Doktor

    From what I’m watching on the Discovery Channel we’re not gonna make it past 2012 anyway. And these shows are never wrong.

    Doktor Duped

  3. Pingback: Cassy Fiano » Irony and Lessons Learned

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