A “Shining Example of Progressive Thought Everywhere…”

Post by Gregory of Yardale

Post by Gregory of Yardale

Commenter Andrea2929 at Big Hollywood, (commenting on Bill Maher piling on the Palins in light of David Letterman’s second weaselly and insincere pseudo-apology {which no doubt was ordered by the “suits” at CBS and was not of his own volition}) displays the kind of wit and class we have come to expect from our opposite number.

good for bill (maher) for piling it on. the palin’s deserve to get their hypocritical throats stuffed chock full of venom. didn’t their daughter HAVE underage sex that resulted in pregnancy? and then didn’t they call off the wedding, thus further insulting their jesus-freak beliefs? who are THEY to criticize others for sexual impurity?!? and what about the palin’s political scandals that have surfaced in the past year. these people are monstrous idiots without any moral ground to stand on. anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-idiocy….. this is not what america is about anymore, and the voters in this country resoundingly stated this last november. palintology is a relic. useless. just like the republican party. evolve or perish. i know you all hate that word evolve.

That’s 10 lbs of crazy-hate in a 5 lb. bag, and a veritable checklist of left-wing insanity:

1. Refusal to capitalize or punctuate… Check

(Oooh! You’re so “artistic” and “unconventional” No capitals in their proper places for you! Because you’re such a free-thinking non-conformist! Yeah, show the Patriarchy what they can do with their capitals and rules of grammar! Because you reject all of that! Because you’re so free of society’s rules and conventions and you express your individuality by not using capitals when you comment on web-logs. That’s so original! It doesn’t make you look like you have a first-graders grasp of self-expression at all. No, Andrea, you are a marvelous, free-thinking, genius, because you refuse to follow the rules of grammar!)

2. Shrill Hysterical Tone … Check

(Because name-calling, insults, and balls-to-the-wall attacks are so much more compelling than reason and restraint.)

3. Attacking Family Values… Check

(OMG! They tried to instill in their daughter the belief in not getting pregnant before marriage, and she got pregnant! Obviously this means it’s wrong to try and teach teenage girls not to get pregnant before marriage!)

4. Attacking Christian beliefs… Check

(OMG! They didn’t turn their teenage daughter into the streets when she got pregnant! What kind of Christians are they! Lousy hypocrites!)

5. Calling conservatives idiots … Check

(Conservatives are so stupid, they can’t see the humor in an edgy child-rape joke.)

6.  Obsession with sex … Check

(Obsession over abortion and gay rights are the outward manifestation of the leftists desire to hav unrestricted sex with anyone, any time, without consequences. For which, they are wiling to trade away every other human freedom.)

7. Reality inversion … Check

(i.e. Scumbag Bill Maher who treats women like disposable Kleenex is great, but the Palins are terrible for defending the honor of their daughters.)

8. Assertions that conservatives are a dying breed … Check

(Never mind surveys showing twice as many conservatives as liberals in the population. Nobody in Andrea’s Post-Graduate Womyn’s Finger-Painting class is a conservative, therefore, Conservatives are a dying breed.)

9. Unfiltered hate … Check

(Conservative “rage” over a child-rape joke is so fake. Keith Olbermann said so and Rachel Maddow agreed. The only valid source of rage in the world comes from the horrible knowledge that some people are conservative and therefore think differently than you do.)

10. Moral inversion … Check

(Andrea viciously attacks the Palins for responding to an unexpected pregnancy with grace, dignity, and compassion while showing none of these qualities herself, yet she still holds out herself as superior to them.)

There’s a lot more bitter insanity in that little post, but why bother getting into it? I’m just glad I don’t have to carry the burden of that hate and bitterness with me everywhere I go.

Do not wrestle in pig shit with a leftist; you'll just get dirty and the leftist has home-field advantage.

Do not wrestle in pig shit with a leftist; you'll just get dirty and the leftist has home-field advantage.


Filed under Smackdown

2 responses to “A “Shining Example of Progressive Thought Everywhere…”

  1. The Doktor

    From that ‘Andrea’ commenter:

    ”and what about the palin’s political scandals that have surfaced in the past year. these people are monstrous idiots without any moral ground to stand on. anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-idiocy….. this is not what america is about anymore, and the voters in this country resoundingly stated this last november.”

    Other than the lack of proper sentence structure and capitalization (a sure-fire sign of laziness) I have to disagree with the blanket charges and attacks on Governor Palin.

    ”political scandals that have surfaced”

    She must mean all of the scandals that are created by the Leftist blogs and media that cause Governor Palin to be on the defensive at all times. This has been an Alinsky tactic gone into overdrive as far as the most dangerous Conservative in the country is concerned.

    ”these people are monstrous idiots without any moral ground to stand on.”

    Monstrous idiots? No moral ground? These people? Going on the presumption that Andrea means the Palins and Conservatives in general I would have to say that their family morals are a tad bit more in line with the majority of our country (as opposed to the voting majority) than they are with the Left. Bereft is the best way to describe Leftist ‘morals’. As far as idiots – well, normally I would say that any ‘idiot politician’ (a redundant appellation) could become Governor (Blago comes to mind) but that’s because most of them have made it through working the machine and/or system. Sarah Palin campaigned and worked against the Republicans in Alaska and still got elected. Why? But, of course, because she is a ”Monstrous Idiot”. (/sarc)

    ”anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-idiocy….. this is not what america is about anymore”

    Governor Palin, and Conservatives in general, aren’t anti-gay or pro-idiocy (does she mean pro-The View?). She is certainly Pro-Life and good for her. And America – even though the infiltration of the Leftist ‘morals’ is at it’s peak – is still not overwhelmingly pro-choice. These are Lefty talking points (meaning flat-out lies) and roll off of most Conservative’s backs.

    ” . . . and the voters in this country resoundingly stated this last november.”

    No, the media campaigned for Hussein. Seldom did the truth about the Kenyan Turd surface on any of the regular ‘news’ outlets. Most of the voters voted out of sheer hatred for Conservatism (whipped up by the media, of course) and total ignorance of most all of the facts regarding every issue – including Hussein’s eligibility to run for the office. What a grand victory that was and aren’t we now pleased with the results??

    Picking apart these folks’ thoughts and words is tiring. They give us way too much to reflect and comment upon.

    The Doktor

  2. dogmom

    11. Factually incorrect, also.

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