Are You A Fascist?

This quiz will tell you. Of course, it was put out by a “progressive” (a.k.a. Fascist) think tank, so the questions were ridiculously loaded and presumptive.

For example, one is asked to take a position that: “The Federal government should ensure affordable health care for every American.” A conservative and a “progressive” could both strongly agree on the ends while disagreeing on the means. To a progressive, the government ensures affordable health care by nationalizing the health care industry. A conservative would achieve the same goal by getting the government out of health care and letting market forces reduce health care costs to a sustainable level. A more honest formulation would be “Is health care a right?”

Or this one, “Govt has gone too far in forcing religious values on people.” Although I am a deep conservative, I think government has gone too far in enforcing a religion upon people, the religion being environmentalist socialism. But that is not the answer the quiz designers wanted.

This quiz is put out by a radical left group that wants to convince people that progressivism, a.k.a. fascism, is the way of the future, to create a phony consensus (like with Global Warming) and to use peer pressure to silence critics.

If you're a mindless cow seeking validation through membership in an undifferentiated ego mass, then this flavor of Obamunist progressive, a.k.a. fascist, ideology probably appeals to you.

If you're a mindless cow seeking validation through membership in an undifferentiated ego mass, then this flavor of Obamunist progressive, a.k.a. fascist, ideology probably appeals to you.


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3 responses to “Are You A Fascist?

  1. Heh, I got a 70.

    But some of those questions are worded screwed up. Like the one that says this:

    Immigrants today are a burden because they take our jobs and abuse government benefits.

    Of course, do they mean ILLEGAL immigrants who come here or regular immigrants? Most legal immigrants I’ve come across love this country (more than libs), work their asses off, and would rather stand on their own two feet than take a penny from the taxpayer.

  2. Pingback: Teh Real Progessive Quiz « Teh Resistance Blog

  3. Atomic: I noticed the same thing in that same question, so I scored it a 5 out of ten.

    I also got in the 70s. I pulled a 73. This makes me EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE.

    No duh.


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